One burning desire occupied Paul's entire life - to go to Rome. His heart was constantly yearning for it, something he prayed for and longed for. 

And guess what? In the final stretch of his earthly journey, he finally had the incredible privilege of going to Rome!

I totally get Paul's unwavering passion to go to Rome. 

When God plants a dream or desire in your heart, it becomes your ultimate longing and purpose in life!  

That's exactly how we feel about Eswatini.

Going to Eswatini is our constant desire, our fervent prayer and our ultimate goal. We don't just want to visit every six months - we want to make it our permanent home. 

We strongly sense God's calling to that beautiful little country, and every time we leave through the border post, it feels like a piece of our hearts is left behind.

It is our sincere prayer for God to open the door for us to settle permanently in Eswatini. 

To make this dream a reality, we seek MONTHLY FINANCIAL SPONSORS - individuals who grasp the significance of Jesus' Great Commission.

Matthew 28:18-20 - “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Bringing this dream to life will be an exciting journey, and we look forward to having you along for the ride!


We are proud to be working in partnership with Harvesters Ministries with the ambitious goal of planting one million churches worldwide by 2030. (You can read more about Harvesters Ministries HERE.)

Our focus is on engaging pastors, missionaries, and church planters who share this vision. Upon joining, we provide comprehensive training on church planting through evangelism and discipleship, followed by a three-year program at Harvesters Bible School, which is completely free. 

The commitment from participants is to plant three churches, one for each year of their training.

Since our launch in Eswatini, we (our students) have successfully planted over 30 churches. 

During our recent outreach in the Ezulwini area, we introduced the Harvesters Church Planting and Discipleship Training to local pastors, with 21 expressing strong interest in joining. In August 2024, we confidently plan to kick off the training program with these pastors.

Our other hubs in Big Bend, Siphofaneni, and Ludzeludze are performing exceptionally well. Our students are enthusiastic, punctual, and committed throughout the training. 

After completing each phase of study, they take exams, and we are thrilled to report that all of them have excelled. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and success.

Visit our GALLERY for more pictures! (CLICK HERE)


One of our students planted a new church in the mountain area of Maphungwane

It was such a special moment when one lady shared her testimony with the congregation. She told everyone that she had been praying for many years, asking God to enable her to go to church. Living in a rural area with no nearby churches, she couldn't attend services. 

Then one day, she saw the tent rising. 

Her prayer was answered. 

She couldn't go to church, so  God brought the church to her!  Isn't that amazing? 

It's incredible how God heard the prayer of this woman in the mountains of Eswatini and answered her through our Church Planting and Discipleship Mission!


Another heartwarming story comes from an elderly student who joined our program after his wife came home from class, excited about what she learned. 

He was so eager to join and after three days of training, on their way home, they came across a house where all the residents were struggling with alcoholism and living in poor conditions. 

They knocked, entered, and started to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. Now, a couple of months later, the whole family is saved, free from alcohol, and they have a home church.


And there's also the inspiring story of a student who had prayed for years for the opportunity to study to become a pastor. 

He couldn't afford it, but then we introduced Harvesters Church Planting and Discipleship Training, and now he is receiving top-notch Bible School Training for FREE! 

God's work is truly amazing!


Our next outreach will be in August 2024, when we will KICK-OFF our new Hub in Ezulwini.

In October 2024, we will return to Eswatini to conduct the next phases of training with our other Hubs.


There is a GREAT NEED for training for Sunday School teachers. To enable us to do this, we need financial sponsors who want to see the children being reached too.


We want to be more involved to see His great work come to pass.

As we are, like Paul, in the last stretch of our journey, we humbly ask for your help

We don't have a big organization to sponsor us to live out this dream. 

We need people like YOU who are willing to become our financial sponsors.

Please contact us for more details on how you can become involved. (E-mail:

May God bless you!

Hennie & Stef Espag


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