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One burning desire occupied Paul's entire life - to go to Rome.  His heart was constantly yearning for it, something he prayed for and longed for.   And guess what? In the final stretch of his earthly journey, he finally had the incredible privilege of going to Rome! I totally get Paul's unwavering passion to go to Rome.  When God plants a dream or desire in your heart, it becomes your ultimate longing and purpose in life!    That's exactly how we feel about Eswatini. Going to Eswatini is our constant desire , our fervent prayer and our ultimate goal . We don't just want to visit every six months - we want to make it our permanent home.  We strongly sense God's calling to that beautiful little country, and every time we leave through the border post, it feels like a piece of our hearts is left behind. It is our sincere prayer for God to open the door for us to settle permanently in Eswatini.   To make this dream a reality, we seek MONTHLY FINANCIAL SPONSORS - indi

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But WHY should I pray? (Part 1)

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